the golden service for future charting

*Study at the university

The advanced education system in Germany has made it a leading country in the European Union and the most attractive country for students to study at university Tuition fees in Germany are almost symbolic and do not exceed 400 euros per semester, in addition to the huge number of German universities that exceeded 430 universities, including 15,000 specializations in various fields, making them a student face for most of the world's students power. Vita offers an outstanding package of services for students wishing to study in Germany by qualifying and preparing students for university studies and providing the best German language institutes Most university courses in Germany are in German and last 3 to 5 years, and there are a few courses that are taught in English.

Bachelor's and master's courses at German universities

Securing admission to the preparatory year at the Studienkolleg

Submit all the necessary documents to obtain a visa

Organization of intensive German courses at the most renowned accredited institutes in Germany

Provision of logistics services (airport reception - accommodation….)

Support and advice in learning the language

The integrated service package from the company Vita is sufficient to bring the student to the desired goal in the simplest and fastest way

The steps of studying at a university in Germany begin with applying for a university degree with a CV, determining the desired field of study, completing the enrollment process, obtaining the university entrance qualification and enrolling at an accredited language institute in Germany

The file is prepared by us to be submitted to the German embassy in the student’s country. After receiving the visa, the student is met at the airport and handed over to his own place of residence. Then the company opens the closed bank account and reports to the commune , then the German language course begins and the beginning of your studies

In its scientific and literary branches, the Vita Society secures university admissions for all school-leavers with a high school diploma
The duration of the university degree is between three and five years, depending on the field of study and the university.

  • Three years for all areas of technology, natural sciences and literature
  • Five years for pharmacy and dentistry
  • Six years medicine

Die deutsche Sprache ist der einzige Weg zum akademischen und beruflichen Erfolg in Deutschland.

Erste Stufe A1
Stufe 2 A2
3. Stufe B1
Stufe 4 B2

Deutsche Universitäten verlangen von allen Bachelor-Studenten und einigen Master-Studenten einiger Fachrichtungen, dass sie ein Niveau in der deutschen Sprache erreichen, und meistens wird ausdrücklich verlangt, das zweite oder dritte Niveau dieser Prüfung zu erreichen, um an der Universität zugelassen zu werden

Deutsche Universitäten verlangen von allen grundständigen Studierenden und einigen DSH-Studierenden, und in den meisten Fällen ist es erforderlich, die zweite oder dritte Stufe zu erreichen, um an der Universität zugelassen zu werden

Es ist nicht notwendig, die deutsche Sprache am Goethe-Institut zu lernen, weil es oft sehr teuer ist, aber es ist sehr wichtig, die letzte Prüfung B2 am Goethe-Institut abzulegen, weil nur ihr Zertifikat von deutschen Regierungsstellen anerkannt wird

  • Eine Kopie des Reisepasses.
  • Abiturzeugnis übersetzt und beglaubigt
  • Abschlusszeugnis mit Zeugnis, beglaubigt und übersetzt
  • Bachelorabschluss mit Zeugnis, beglaubigt und übersetzt
  • Lebenslauf in deutscher oder englischer Sprache und handschriftlich unterschrieben

Voraussetzungen für ein Studium in Deutschland

  • Finanzgarantie oder Eröffnung eines geschlossenen Bankkontos
  • Abitur mit einem Durchschnitt von mindestens 60 %

Alle Studierenden, die ein Studienvisum in Deutschland erhalten möchten, müssen ihre Finanzierungsfähigkeit während der Studienzeit nachweisen, und zwar über das geschlossene Bankkonto. Ein Betrag von 8.640 Euro muss eingezahlt werden und die Bank reserviert den Betrag teilweise, da der Student nach seiner Ankunft in Deutschland 12 Monate lang nur 720 Euro pro Monat abheben kann und dieser Vorgang nur für das erste Jahr stattfindet .

Welche Unterlagen werden benötigt, um ein geschlossenes Bankkonto zu eröffnen?

  • Eine Farbkopie des gültigen Reisepasses
  • Name des Landes und der Stadt, in der der Visumantrag bei der deutschen Botschaft gestellt wird
    Ausführliche Studentenadresse
  • Eine Kopie der Hochschulzulassung oder der Sprachzulassung

Die Uniassist-Stiftung ist eine deutsche staatliche Einrichtung, über die sich ausländische Studierende für ein Studium an den meisten deutschen Hochschulen bewerben.Die Stiftung prüft die Gültigkeit der ihr von den Studierenden vorgelegten Unterlagen und Zeugnisse und versendet anschließend die Bewerbung mit Kopien der Unterlagen und Zertifikate an den vom Studenten gewählten Universitäten. Die endgültige Entscheidung über die Aufnahme oder Nichtaufnahme liegt bei der Hochschule und nicht beim UniAssist, der lediglich ein Vermittler zwischen dem ausländischen Studierenden und der Hochschule ist.

Für diesen Service erhält Uniassist einen finanziellen Betrag, der sich nach der Anzahl der Hochschulen richtet, an denen er beantragt wird

Nicht alle deutschen Hochschulen kooperieren mit dem Uni-Assist, es gibt Hochschulen, an denen die Zulassung zu einer bestimmten Studienrichtung direkt ohne Vermittler erfolgt.

At “Golden Service for Shaping the Future” (G.S.F.C.), we currently offer a range of specialized educational programs in nursing training and German language learning.

Nursing School

Our Nursing School provides a comprehensive training program for nurses, spanning from the first year to the third year. The program is designed to prepare students for a career in healthcare through an integrated curriculum that includes:

  • Theoretical Education: Covering essential topics in healthcare, such as anatomy, pharmacology, patient care techniques, and first aid.

  • Practical Training: Offering hands-on experience in a clinical environment, enabling students to acquire the practical skills needed to handle diverse medical situations.

  • Professional Guidance: Providing mentorship and supervision from experienced professionals to ensure students are adequately prepared to work in hospitals and clinics.

German Language School

In addition to nursing training, we also offer German language courses, both online and in-person. These courses aim to equip students and trainees with the language skills needed for working in Germany, particularly in healthcare fields. Our programs include:

  • Online Courses: Flexible online lessons that allow students to learn German from anywhere, at any time. These courses cater to all language levels, from beginners to advanced learners.

  • In-Person Courses: Classroom-based lessons in small groups, enabling greater interaction with teachers and fellow students. These courses focus on improving listening and speaking skills, with a special emphasis on medical vocabulary used in hospitals and clinics.

We believe that combining specialized medical training with German language courses offers students a unique opportunity to launch their professional careers in Germany, especially in the healthcare sector, which is in great need of qualified professionals.

Preparatory Year

The Preparatory Year is designed to equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills they need before starting their specialized programs in healthcare or German language training. This year focuses on preparing students academically and linguistically for the challenges of the healthcare industry, especially for those who intend to work in Germany. Key elements of the preparatory year include: Language Skills: Intensive language courses, particularly in German, to ensure students are ready for communication in the healthcare sector. Emphasis is placed on medical terminology and everyday language skills needed in a hospital or clinic setting. Basic Healthcare Knowledge: Introduction to fundamental healthcare concepts, including human anatomy, basic patient care techniques.

What about the preparatory year?

The student must have an average of less than 60% in their high school diploma. This requirement applies to all students who have obtained their high school diploma from Arab countries, except for Syria, Tunisia, and Palestine.

Required Documents for the Preparatory Year:

Required Documents for the Preparatory Year: Copy of Passport: A clear copy of the passport. Certified Copy of the Abitur Certificate: The Abitur certificate must be translated into German and authenticated by the German embassy. Curriculum Vitae (CV): A signed CV by the student

Medical Preparatory Year

The Medical Preparatory Year is designed for students who wish to study human medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. The following subjects are taught: German, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

Preparatory Technical Year

The Preparatory Technical Year is designed for students who wish to study engineering, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The following subjects are taught: German, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.

Economic Preparatory Year Course

The Economic Preparatory Year Course is designed for students who wish to study economics, business administration, and sociology. The following subjects are taught: German, Economics, Business Administration, and Mathematics.

Social, Arts, and Linguistics Preparatory Year Course

The Social, Arts, and Linguistics Preparatory Year Course is designed for students who wish to study languages, humanities, and social sciences. The following subjects are taught: German, Literature, Social Sciences, and English.

Technical Preparatory Year Course (TI)

The Technical Preparatory Year Course (TI) is designed for students who wish to study at a technical college but are unable to attend regular universities. The following subjects are taught: German, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Why Studying in Germany is the Right Choice for You:

Reduced fees

And sometimes nothing at all! Students generally do not have to pay tuition fees, and if they do, the fees are low: Bachelor's programs at public universities are often tuition-free, while some Master's programs have tuition fees, but they are not as high as in other countries.

University Life

About 12 percent of students at German universities come from abroad. You can make friendships from all over the world, get to know other countries, and broaden your horizons. Universities offer support to make your start in Germany as easy as possible.

Acceptable costs.

In comparison to other European countries, the cost of living in Germany is very affordable: The costs for food, rent, clothing, and cultural activities are at the EU level. Additionally, there are a number of discounts available for students, where they can receive reduced prices in theaters, museums, operas, cinemas, swimming pools, and other facilities.

Unsere Leistungen vor der Reise

Support in Providing the Best German Language Institutes

University and Master's Admission Assistance

Securing Admission to the Preparatory Year for the Preparatory College

Preparing Student Files for Embassy Interviews

Assistance in Opening a Closed Bank Account

Unsere Leistungen nach der Reise

Our Service After the Flight

Registration with Local Municipalities

Assistance in Finding Accommodation

Provision of Health Insurance

Tips During Your Language Studies